Bio of my fantastic life!

My name is Britney and I am single going to college in Utah. I am a sophmore at weber State majoring in early childhood and a minor in English. I love kids and writting. I hope to get married in the temple some day with a guy who will accept me. I wish people will not judge me because I am human which means I do make mistakes but I try to perfect myself everyday so I can make it into the celestial kingdom when I die. I am the oldest of eight kids in my family; I like it sometimes, but other times not so much. I can't wait until I get my degree and move into my own place (hopefully be married.) But I am just taking one day at a time to all the goals I have in my life.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Finally almost finished

I have been working so hard on my math to get the course done by Halloween. I was so behind a couple of weeks ago. Now, I am almost finished. :) All I have to do now is take my final. Finally almost finished!!!! Heck to the yes!
Yesterday was my missionary's 100th day out doing the lords work. I am so proud of him and I am so grateful that he went to Alabama. Over there, people keep us all informed and take really good care of Brody. Thank you all who contribute to Brody's life. 

1 comment:

  1. You are so welcome!!! He is a good guy and he is becoming such an amazing missionary!
