Bio of my fantastic life!

My name is Britney and I am single going to college in Utah. I am a sophmore at weber State majoring in early childhood and a minor in English. I love kids and writting. I hope to get married in the temple some day with a guy who will accept me. I wish people will not judge me because I am human which means I do make mistakes but I try to perfect myself everyday so I can make it into the celestial kingdom when I die. I am the oldest of eight kids in my family; I like it sometimes, but other times not so much. I can't wait until I get my degree and move into my own place (hopefully be married.) But I am just taking one day at a time to all the goals I have in my life.

Friday, January 14, 2011

One of those days

Today was a particularly hard day. I don't know why. I must have rolled off the wrong side of the bed. I have been trying really, really hard to stay in a good mood for awhile now (to spare the people around me.) But today I really missed Brody and it was even a letter day. I can't really stay positive. I feel like I really can't talk to anybody because I don't want them to keep on hearing a broken record. Today is just one of those days that I just want to curl up in a black hole and cry. It is so hard to keep on going in a good mood when you feel like this. If anybody is reading, can you please give me advice? I keep on feeling this way and I am way tired of it.   


  1. Its been so long! I found your blog and I saw you follow mine. I love your blog its so cute. my advice is to get a box of chocolates ;)

  2. Thanks Ellie. I just love your blog. It is so cute.
