Bio of my fantastic life!

My name is Britney and I am single going to college in Utah. I am a sophmore at weber State majoring in early childhood and a minor in English. I love kids and writting. I hope to get married in the temple some day with a guy who will accept me. I wish people will not judge me because I am human which means I do make mistakes but I try to perfect myself everyday so I can make it into the celestial kingdom when I die. I am the oldest of eight kids in my family; I like it sometimes, but other times not so much. I can't wait until I get my degree and move into my own place (hopefully be married.) But I am just taking one day at a time to all the goals I have in my life.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Complaining ( beware) lol

I just don't understand why I am not getting out on dates. I consider myself strong in the gospel, smart, and pretty. I really don't want to change anything about me. But I wish (since I haven't been out on a date in over a year now) that I could be asked out just once. Maybe I could take another institute class next semester will do the trick. But I am feeling kind of hopeless. I lost the perfect guy from my old thought process. I just wish guys would give me a chance. I just want to have a little fun in my life and I would love to get married if there is that special guy out there for me. It has just doubted myself a little bit on the things I know. It is just hard when people your age or even younger are either getting married or having a baby and I am not even out of my house yet. I want an husband and kids just so bad and I don't know if it is ever going to happen for me. :'(

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